A Great Sweater Reuse!

So, a long time ago, Amy Karol on Angry Chicken talked about redoing a pull over sweater into a cardigan. I thought that was fantastic and have wanted to do one ever since. Learning another wonderful skill from Alyson B. Stanfield recently, to take 15 minutes at a time to work on a project and in no time it will be finished! Check out both of these posts – great reads. And, make – up yourself one of these. It’s great if you have a sweater that’s just a bit too small or too big.

And, here it is…


Sweater Renewed!

One pull over sweater that I really liked, but was a little small as a pull over. Just cut up the middle, add some pretty ribbon and a hook & eye at the top to keep it closed. Whalla! Fun! What a great way to reuse.

I have a gray one of my husbands ready for me to take over, too. Just give me 15 minutes!!

4 thoughts on “A Great Sweater Reuse!

  1. Oh, I love it, Jennifer! I’ve given up on so many pullovers, but can’t seem to have enough cardigans. This would be great, too, for good finds at the thrift store.

    I have to ask . . . how many 15-min segments did it take?

    • Hi Alyson – Great to hear from you! You know it’s a really quick project. I bet it only took 15 minutes. Ya just cut it, pin it and sew it. (ok – maybe 30 minutes) I wear it
      all the time.

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